Yahooooo, they went back to school. Now don't take me wrong, I love my girls dearly and enjoy the extra time we spend together over the holidays. It's just when that extra time becomes tooooo much extra time and the kids start to drive you NUTS! When they sleep till noon and you can't even get them to pick a sock they left lying in the hall for the last two weeks, or when they've sat in front of the tv so long, drool is coming down the side of their cheek. Ok, the last one was an exageration, but you get the point! Or you know it's time for them to go back to school, when they say they miss school, after all it is a foundation of their social life. Bob and I were heading to bed Sunday night when Bob sees Bethany jumped out of bed, get dressed, make her bed and procede to head out of her room. Bob caught her and told her it wasn't morning, that mom and dad were just going to bed. She was thoroughly embarrassed and started 'weeping and knashing her teeth'. I had to crawl into bed with her and calm her down. As I stroked her head I had to just smile at the innocence of being 6 and that childhood excitement of going back to school!